Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Book Review: The Accidental Bride

Would you read a book titled The Accidental Bride: A Big Sky Romance? This new book by Denise Hunter profiles a young woman who has been shunned in love and who has yet to forgive the man who left her at the altar. Many years later as the widowed mother of a young girl, she crosses paths again with her former lover. If that isn't bad enough, some well-meaning neighbors interfere with some town plans and accidentally serve as witnesses in an actual wedding ceremony!!

In the annals of Christian fiction, this book isn't particularly Christian. It doesn't deal with deep religious issues or long spiritual quests. The pastor is not a key figure and neither is some moral or biblical passage. Yet, it is a clean, well-written book about a hilarious subject matter. It's true that this would never happen in real life, but The Accidental Bride is sure to keep you captivating by its turning and twisting plot and the end cannot be but satisfying.

Disclaimer: I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to give a positive review.

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